The rest of my Philmont Pictures ended up getting moved to another computer, so until my husband puts my hard drive back in my computer(hint...hint...honey,) then you'll have to wait for the rest of the pictures. (Which I'm sure you have been checking this blog endlessly to see.)

Until then.... this flaky girl has promised to give Laycee a book list of some of my favorites nonfiction books to read about mothering, parenting, and life in general. I'm flaky because she asked for it months ago. We'll ignore that fact and instead feel special that you get your very own blog post dedicated to you Lace! (These have links to amazon but you can probably find them at the library or through interlibrary loan.)
Running With Angels - Motivational
The Perfect Brightness of Hope - Motivational
I Didn't Plan to Be a Witch - Mothering
Parenting with Love and Logic - Parenting
The Hiding Place - Motivational
Blue Like Jazz - Thought provoking
Your Money or Your Life - Love this way of thinking about finances.
A Joyful Mother of Children - Mothering
Peacegiver - Inspirational
The Tightwad Gazette - Living on a small budget (3 different volumes or there is the complete tightwad gazette that has all of them combined.
The Creative Family - Inspiring, Mothering
Living Simply With Children - Parenting (Knowing your wyoming background because it's similar to mine, part of this book might drive you crazy... you'll see when you read it, but it made me really think about a lot of things.)
Les Miserables - Ok I know this one isn't a nonfiction, but it's my top favorite. Intense and a long read but so worth it. I've read it over and over, both the long and abridged version. Beau and I read it together when we were first married, and at the end he couldn't finish reading it outloud because we were both so choked up and overcome. That's a lot to say for a Tippetts boy. :) If it seems too overwhelming at first - read the abridged version.
I haven't read these ones yet, but they're on my list and I've heard they're good.
The Duggers: 20 and counting. If she can raise 20 kids I want to know how she does it and it gives me hope that I can surely rasie my 4.:)
Grace Based Parenting - parenting
Handmade Home - counting down the days till this one is released.
AH YES! Shalae you are the best! We will have to see if we can get Ben to read Les Miserables with me. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Finding worth while books right now is really challenging for me. These all look clean, inspiring, and enjoyable...just what I need! Did I say you are my hero?
Actually, I have been anxiously awaiting your post with more pictures because I LOVED the ones you already posted. Everytime I read or see what you are doing I am inspired to be creative!
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