I have had so many thoughts at the beginning of the year. Things I would like to do, think I need to do, goals I'd like to see come to fruitation by the end of the year. One thing that I've really been thinking about lately is simplifying my life. My family's life. The basics. So I had been considering simplify for my word for the year. But for some reason in my search for words I ran across this one and it jumped off the page. It's been sitting in my mind. Slowly telling me this is what I need to be working on for the year.
Valuing my health and doing something about it.
Valuing the relationships in my life. Enriching them, cultivating them, building them, and making them of real value.
Valuing my time. I don't have much of it in a day or in my life. What am I really giving it up for? Things of eternal importance or things of this world. Is it being wasted or squandered.
My Values - am I being true to what I actually believe. Am I living them, do I know what they really are, are they an integral part of me.
Seeking Real Value. Am I seeking for things of this world or things of a better. "Where my heart is there will my treasure be also." What am I valuing, what am I treasuring, what is my heart my heart invested in.
I'm excited about the word. I'm excited about the things I've been pondering in just the last couple of weeks that I am looking forward to sharing with you. I'm really looking forward to getting to the end of the year and looking back to see this year as invaluable.
Yeah, you are going to have a great 2009 with this word. And you might as well know, I greatly VALUE your friendship. Seems like so often we're on the same page in life, reading each other's minds. I'm glad you picked a word. I'm glad so many people are picking words. How fun it will be to watch everyone's life unfold this year.
what a great word! i think i may need to get myself in gear and choose one that i actually do something with this year. :) you echo a lot of my thoughts and i am glad to know that i'm not the only one who struggles with things like this. thanks. :)
This is an awesome word Shalae, I think I'm not only going to learn alot from my own word, but from everyone else's as well. You read my mind on this one too. I pray the Lord gives you the desires of your heart. You are so special!
What a great choice Shalae! And you are so right, value ... I can feel that your blog will be a wonderful inspiration for me this year!
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