Friday, January 06, 2012

A Year Ago

I thought I would share one more month from our Family Book.  This is the month of January. Look at where we were a year ago, and how much the kids have grown!  This was also a month were I took little pictures and didn't blog much.  So it ended up being a short section. That has made me want to take more pictures and record more of what we were doing. What kinds of things do I want to remember and read about 30 years down the road when I pull one of these books out.  I want to be better at documenting the little things, and recording our life happenings.  

While working on this month, I included a calendar of what had been on our original calendar for the month, and decided I would like to include this as the last page of every month. (I now need to go back and update some of the months with this.) You never realize what a great historical document your calendar is, but it shows a great overview of those little every day happenings of the month. 


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