The snow is almost gone here, and last week it was warm enough to be outside without a coat and for my kids that meant shoes as well. It was great. It's probably just taunting me though since it's been a bit nippier this week. Either way, I'm feeling it...
So I finished up my new "springy" collection yesterday. We'll show it off here in a few days. It felt so good to get a collection done again. I don't do many of them, and I need to do more.
I'm feeling the spring cleaning bug slowly hit, I'm ready to tackle this apartment and get rid of stuff. If it doesn't have a place it's saying goodbye! I've got to make it easier to keep this place clean with my crazy life, and I need to have a better routine. So we're going to get rid of the stuff that is just taking up space and creating more work for me.
My little garden is calling my name, wanting to be cleaned and prepped for some seeds. I'm about ready to tell my husband it's time to buy a house, because I'm just itching to have a bigger garden.
I've had some people ask about Digital Scrapbooking and how to get started. (Don't worry I'm not ignoring your emails, it's just been a hectic couple of days.) I thought I would post about it here for all those other inquiring minds wanting to know. Hopefully I'll get a starting up post today.
I've started my artistic edge photo class, which I'm so excited about. I already learned something the first day, and am pumped to go out and take some photos and start working wonders on them!
Today is all about tackling the house, and starting to get rid of stuff, getting caught up on the endless pile of laundry and getting a bit more organized. I've got a lesson and a talk to prepare for church on Sunday... and some time with the kids. It's going to be a good day, or GREAT day as my husband would say.
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